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Section lead is Svetlana Pchelnikova - president of the Russian Club of Doll Collectors, president of International Union of the doll’s authors.
Ball-jointed Humans
Incredibly mobile, elegant, slim and almost alive! Such an impression make ball-jointed dolls when you take them in your hands for the first time. Big number of joints gives ball-jointed dolls unusual flow of movement and fabulousness!
Radislav Gaiduk, doll-artist - Particularity of the ball-jointed dolls is that thanks to the big number of mobile joints, you can put them in any pose. It is very fascinating for the photo shooting, sewing and knitting. Many collectors make furniture for ball-jointed dolls, jewelry, sew wigs, and even build entire houses with interior.
Anna Linberger, doll-artist - For me, ball-jointed dolls is an opportunity to bring fantasies to life! As a child I would often make up many characters of my own, then I started drawing them on paper, and at the age of 21 I have discovered the world of original dolls. And that world gave life to my characters, gave them body. Now they are not just flat drawings, these are creatures you want to talk to, since they are so mobile and nearly come to life in your hands.